Puppy School
Our puppy schools have a strong focus on building a great relationship between you and your dog. The courses are short and class groups are capped to 5 to ensure we can really tailor the training to you.
As of May 2024 - Puppy Schools will not be available for the foreseeable future due to the current demand for Private Dog Training. Basically, I've run out of hours in my week to organise, let alone run them with the dedication required to do a good job!
I absolutely will do them again asap, but at this stage my calendar is very full!
Trust me, I'd rather get mauled by 8 cute little puppies, than jumped on, barked at, nipped at and beaten up by wild crazy big dogs!... But these dogs need a better life and I have to help them!
Thanks for your understanding!

Puppy Primary School (4-8 Months)
By this age, your dog may have started to get a lot more confident, a lot more distracted and choosing when it will or won't listen. Recall is starting to not happen as often as you like, barking getting out of hand, pulling on the lead becoming an issue and your dog is turning into a lunatic! They are getting way too over stimulated when you have visitors and, in their mind, you are now non existent on the walks as the entire world is all too consuming for your dog.
Puppy Primary School is desgined to really tackle these challenges and bring you back into your dog's world. We spend a couple of weeks focusing on building your relationship in a controlled environment, and then spend week 3 in a park where we can put all your new techniques into practice in the real world.
Puppy School (8-16 weeks)
This school is not all about ball pits, slides, posing on platforms, toys and exceptionally attractive social media posts. It is designed to help you understand your puppy, learn how to interact and engage with your puppy in a way that the dog truly understands. The sole purpose is training the human to train the dog to be calm and focused on the owner. This might not sound very fun when compared to traditional puppy schools, but it is absolutely crucial to help prevent all over the bad habits you are not wanting for the next 10+ years.
It is often challenging enough training a calm and docile dog. It is extremely difficult to train an over excited, over anxious or over stimulated dog. The behaviors we don't want are absolutely imprinted and trained into our dogs from the moment we get them as puppies. Let's give them the best start possible.
The breed of your dog does not dictate the behavior, potential or outcome of the type of dog it ends up being, How they are trained from day 1 does.
You will be provided with plenty of reference materials to help with all of the usual issues such as toilet training, chewing, whinging, separation anxiety, grooming, feeding etc.